Recent work
George has worked for the Association of University Directors of estates since 2013 when he first helped to analyse data for the annual Estates Management Report.
He has helped AUDE every year since then to produce the report, which is seen as one of the AUDE's most important pieces of analysis.
The report has developed and grown, and continues to be an important annual release for AUDE.
George's involvement includes:
· Developing the analytics to produce bespoke metrics for the report.
· Developing meaningful metrics to help understand estate performance.
· Developing an appropriate method to create sensible institutional groupings to help compare performance.
· Interpreting the metrics and writing a narrative that brings understanding to the metrics.
He has also presented bespoke analytics at many regional AUDE meetings helping to develop a wider understanding of the importance and relevance of the metrics.
' George has been central to the production of the AUDE Estates Management Report since its inception in 2013. He has a very good understanding of the data, and uses that coupled with his general understanding of the sector, to bring clarity to what could otherwise be quite impenetrable data.' Jane White, AUDE Executive officer.
The AUDE report summary 2022 can be found here: AUDE 2022 Summary
BBC commentary on first AUDE Report can be found here: BBC 'University estates seven times Tesco'
George was engaged by Tom McDonough, Portfolio Strategy Director at UPP. George helped UPP with a number of Universities to understand the current demand for accommodation, and how that was likely to change given the academic strategies of the universities in question. This enabled UPP to begin to develop emerging strategies as to how to meet the potential changes in demand.
George's role included assessing the current provision and commenting on its adequacy, reviewing the external provision (both of other PBSA and of HMO provision) and then developing a potential strategy that would support both UPP's potential increase in provision whilst at the same time meeting the University's anticipated demand, and change in provision.
' George helped us to understand the individual university's academic strategies, and changing numbers how that would translate into accommodation demand. George had a very good understanding of the data, and was able to help us interpret it in the context of individual institutions demands.' Tom McDonough, Portfolio Strategy Director.
Oxford Brookes University
George has undertaken a number of engagements with Brookes.
George produced a full estates benchmarking report for Jerry Woods (Director of Estates) using the EMR data. He then further reviewed the then three campuses to compare the space provision by each campus as part of the high level space planning for a concentration of activity on the Headington Campus.
George also worked to develop a revised residential accommodation strategy. This included reviewing the current provision and understanding how this might be repositioned to better provide for the needs of students, in line both with the students' requirements, whilst also remaining within the Oxford City Council numbers limit.
George continues to understak
'.' Jerry Woods, Director of Estates.