Estates Benchmarking
EMR data
We are very familiar with the data which Universities collect for the Estates Management Return.
We can work with the University’s own data to produce a bespoke set of benchmarking reports reviewing the University’s estates performance.
We do this for a number of institutions on an annual basis, providing a report to their senior property committees.
It helps Universities to understand the key challenges facing the estate and how these issues have changed over time.
How we work
We develop a peer group to suit your academic demands and then use this as the key group.
We can also use a wider set of appropriate institutions.
Then we identify the specific benchmark metrics that you want to look at, this depends on your requirements and what you are looking to determine.
We measure your performance within the peer group, as well as longitudinally over time.
We can develop specific performance measures to look at different issues.
We develop the benchmarking and discuss the results with you.
We can then identify further areas to review, for example understanding specific cost areas, or space requirements, to help inform your strategic decision-making.
Key metrics
High level KPIs
Academic income per m2,
Total property costs per m2,
Total property costs as a % of academic income.
Condition, suitability and age
Proportion of space in Condition A and B,
Proportion of space in Functional Suitability 1 and 2,
Age of estate (presented in bands and compared to other institutions).
Space efficiency
Academic space per FTE (i.e. teaching and research space divided by under- & postgraduate numbers),
Office space per staff FTE (can be further split between academic and non-academic staff office space),
Teaching space per taught FTE,
Research space per research FTE,
Teaching space utilisation (%).
Affordability and investment
Investment as a % of income,
Cost to upgrade Condition C and D as a % of income.
Income per m2
Academic space, £ per m2 (i.e. teaching and research space, excluding administrative space),
Research space, £ per m2,
Teaching space, £ per m2.
Property costs
Individual cost areas per m2 (e.g. repairs and maintenance, energy),
Property costs trend over time.
Environment and carbon reduction
Kg carbon emitted per m2,
Kg carbon emitted per FTE,
Energy use per m2,
Cost per kWh or cost per m2.